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The Paper approaches business cycles in terms of extrinsic uncertainty related, not to dynamic indeterminacy of intertemporal equilibria (in the neighborhood of an attractor) or to multiplicity of steady states (in non-linear models), but to static indeterminacy of free entry oligopolistic...
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form contains parameter regions in which sunspots are stable under learning. However, for parameters restricted to those … generated by standard models of indeterminacy, we find, under one information assumption, that no stable sunspots exist, and …
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The paper finds empirical evidence on the ripple effect of sunspots on the interwar German economy. It identifies a … sunspots. …
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monetary policy and sunspots. The key distinction between the shocks lies in their relation to the realized policy shock. If … monetary policy is 'active', the sunspots are irrelevant, and the model responses to the news shocks are unique. In both cases …
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We examine a general equilibrium model with collateral constraints and increasing returns to scale in production. The utility function is nonseparable, with no income effect on the consumer's choice of leisure. Unlike this model without a collateral constraint, we find that indeterminacy of...
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This paper examines the effect of the elasticity of technological substitution on the existence of equilibrium indeterminacy in two-sector economies. Recent empirical evidence, the elasticity of substitution between capital and labor is below unity. We ?nd that this requires a higher degree of...
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We compare and contrast alternative explanations of the Roaring Twenties. Starting with the RBC model as a benchmark, we also examine a model with indeterminacy and self-fulfilling expectations (SFE), and one with credit shocks. Historical and anecdotal evidence provides support for each of...
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This paper contains a study of stochastic stability of the development trap in a model of economic growth when the production function is subject to externalities and, as a result, the development trap steady state ins indeterminate. In the presence of indeterminacy, sunspot equilibria can...
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We develop in this paper simple geometrical methods to study local indeterminacy, bifurcations and stochastic (sunspot) equilibria near a steady state, in nonlinear two dimensional economic models. We present stochastic sunspot equilibria, which allows a constructive description of local...
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It is well known from the literature that the introduction of financial constraints in economies with infinite-lived agents can be responsible for the occurrence of multiple equilibria and en- dogenous fluctuations. However, the question of the persistence of such phenomena when the constraints...
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