Showing 1 - 10 of 222
This paper deals with the impact of electoral competition on politicians' outside earnings. In our framework, politicians face a tradeoff between allocating their time to political effort or to an alternative use generating outside earnings. The main hypothesis is that the amount of time spent...
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The success of the flat rate tax in Eastern Europe suggests that this concept could also be a model for the welfare states of Western Europe. The present paper uses a simulation model to analyse the effects of revenue neutral flat rate tax reforms on equity and efficiency for the case of...
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This paper is the first to provide evidence of efficient taxation of groups with heterogeneous levels of 'tax morale'. We set up an optimal income tax model where high tax morale implies a high subjective cost of evading taxes. The model predicts that 'nice guys finish last': groups with higher...
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Die Auseinandersetzung um die Weiterentwicklung des Ehegattensplittings in Richtung einer stärkeren steuerlichen Berücksichtigung von Kindern hält in der Regierungskoalition an. Wie kann ein Familiensplitting ausgestaltet werden? Welche Wirkungen ergeben sich auf das Steueraufkommen? Welche...
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Derzeit werden verschiedene Kombilohnmodelle zur Bekämpfung der Arbeitslosigkeit von Niedrigqualifi zierten diskutiert. Wie unterscheiden sich diese Modelle? Welche Wirkungen haben sie auf das Arbeitsangebot? Welche Kosten sind damit verbunden?
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We suggest the first large-scale international comparison of labor supply elasticities for 17 European countries and the US, separately by gender and marital status. Measurement differences are netted out by using a harmonized empirical approach and comparable data sources. We find that own-wage...
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Basierend auf einem Projekt im Auftrag der Bertelsmann Stiftung, Bonn 2012 (78 Seiten)
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The aging of the population in Germany has led to growing concerns among politicians about the economic situation of households with children. This is also reflected in the recent tax policy debate on reforming the taxation of families and married couples. The purpose of this paper is threefold....
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The economic literature often argues that basic income schemes and low wage subsidies to employees are just special cases of a negative income tax. In this debate, it is ignored that these concepts target different population subgroups. This paper investigates the different target groups and the...
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Report based on a study conducted for the European Parliament, Bonn 2010 (188 pages)
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