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The efficiency of capital markets has been questioned almost as long as the efficient market hypothesis had been worked out. Numerous critics have been formulated against this hypothesis, questioning notably the behavioural assumptions underlying the efficient market hypothesis. The present...
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Uncertainty is almost ubiquitous in energy related decision making. It has many sources, multiple facets and numerous implications. From the uncertainties surrounding Global Warming over the incertitude of future technological progress to the volatility of fuel and other energy prices, the...
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Ein moeglichst kostenguenstiges und oekologisches Heizsystem zu waehlen, ist für Gebaeudebesitzer von groeßter Wichtigkeit. Bisher gaengige Antworten sind jedoch spaetestens seit diesem Jahr nicht mehr uneingeschraenkt gueltig. Zum einen waren die Preise für Erdgas und Heizoel zuletzt starken...
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Ueber das Fuer und Wider einer Foerderung Erneuerbarer Energien mittels spezifischer Foerderinstrumente wie dem EEG sowie ueber die bestmoegliche Ausgestaltung dieser Instrumente sind in den letzten Jahren viele sowohl praxisorientierte als auch wissenschaftliche Debatten gefuehrt worden. Dabei...
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<Para ID="Par1">The electricity generation mix of many countries is strongly dominated by fossil fuelled power plants. <InlineEquation ID="IEq1"> <EquationSource Format="TEX">$$\hbox {CO}_{2}$$</EquationSource> <EquationSource Format="MATHML"> <math xmlns:xlink=""> <msub> <mtext>CO</mtext> <mn>2</mn> </msub> </math> </EquationSource> </InlineEquation> certificate trading is then advocated as a first best instrument for emission abatement in Europe, the US and beyond. An important element of the trading scheme...</equationsource></equationsource></inlineequation></para>
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Future congestion management is one of the major market design issues in the European electricity market. In the light of the sharp increase in redispatch measures seen within the last years, the importance of an efficient management of network congestion increases particularly in Germany....
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In this article we discuss welfare-optimal capacity allocation of different electricity generation technologies available for serving system demand. While the classical peak load pricing theory derives the efficient portfolio structure from a deterministic marginal production cost curve ("merit...
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In Germany and other Central and Northern European countries, energy demand for space heating dominates the energy demand of households. In line with European and national energy efficiency and emission reduction objectives, policy makers have identified the residential building sector...
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Germany’s nuclear phase out and an increasing share of fluctuating RES production amplifies the North-South congestion problem in the German electricity grid. But congestion management becomes a serious issue not only in the German but in the whole European electricity system as German...
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European electricity market participants are encouraged to balance intraday deviations from their day-ahead schedules via trades in the intraday market. Together with the increasing production of variable renewable energy sources, the intraday market is gaining importance. We investigate the...
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