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The potential accession of Turkey to the EU, and the related adoption of the CAP by Turkey, is expected to influence … agricultural markets in both the EU and Turkey. The extent of the accession impacts depends on the one hand on the way the CAP will … be implemented in Turkey, while on the other hand impacts are expected to be also shaped by macroeconomic conditions …
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in Turkey. We describe the structure and development of this sector from the year 1990 onwards, covering farms in primal … the coasts of Turkey, while the interior provinces are rather separated. In some cases price transmission only occurs when …
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Over the past decades, environmental policy discussions tended to focus on the negative impact of production processes on the environment. Sustainable development as a subject and holistic approach became a scientific and political issue only at the Rio Earth Summit of 1992. Since then, consumer...
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Over the past few years, expenditure on private consumption rose more rapidly than incomes because private households continued to spend in spite of the reticent development of incomes. As a consequence, the propensity to save declined and remained at a steady low level in the first half of...
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The economic analysis of sustainable consumption structures concentrates on the extent to which it is possible and recommendable to foster substitution of flows by stocks (improving the thermal quality of buildings, more energy-efficient transport systems). Also of relevance is the role that...
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Folgt man den Angaben der Statistik, haben die privaten Konsumausgaben zu Jahresbeginn überraschend kräftig zulegt. Bei einer detaillierteren Betrachtung zeigen sich aber einige Ungereimtheiten, die erwarten lassen, dass die für das 1. Quartal ausgewiesene Zuwachsrate nach Neuberechnung der...
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In the current paper, the finite-sample stability of various implementations of the KPSS test is studied. The implementations considered differ in how the so-called long-run variance is estimated under the null hypothesis. More specifically, the effects that the choice of kernel, the value of...
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This paper analyses the relation between private and government consumption in 23 OECD countries between 1970 and 2001. In particular it addresses the issue of whether government consumption is a substitute for or a complement to private consumption. The empirical analysis is made with panel...
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In this paper, we elaborate on the notion of effective consumption and its role in determining the outcome of fiscal changes. More specifically, we investigate whether government consumption, by acting either as a complement or a substitute to private consumption, can help explain the...
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This paper considers the effects of fiscal policy on private consumption in a framework that encompasses both the conventional (Keynesian) view of fiscal policy and the Ricardian debt neutrality hypothesis. The model is built on Blanchard's stochastic model of intertemporal optimization with...
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