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practices like spoofing and phishing with Java script, digital signature authentication technology for ActiveX. Finally it …
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By detailed Molecular Dynamics we investigate the rheology of granular suspensions driven through a fixed plate channel by a pressure gradient in the suspending fluid. We observe various possible flow states: disordered flow, ordered flow (granular crystallization) and jammed as well as make...
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Driven diffusive models describe an array of atoms in an external periodic potential, when the motion is damped due to energy exchange with the substrate. The systems of this class have wide application in modeling of charge and mass transport in solids. Recently, the driven diffusive models...
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power-law function of the scalar difference |hj−hi| between the two connected nodes i and j, i.e., wij∼|hj−hi|α. The jamming … factor J of the whole network is defined as the average of the jamming degrees of all nodes. The jamming properties are … addition, the jamming effects of the two networks are compared, and we give the range of values of α and 〈k〉 that the scale …
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We study the lattice gas flow of two components of biased-random walkers at a crossing under a periodic boundary. The lattice gas mixture consists of two components of particles (walkers) in which one component of particles moves north and the other component of particles moves east. The current...
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Recent theories postulate that the non-equilibrium behaviour of systems experiencing jamming or structural arrest could …
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The micromechanics of a variety of systems experiencing a structural arrest due to their high density could be unified by a thermodynamic framework governing their approach to ‘jammed’ configurations. The mechanism of supporting an applied stress through the microstructure of these highly...
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physics displayed by a very simple model system for the jamming transition: frictionless, soft spheres at zero temperature and … jamming transition, whenever the confining pressure becomes positive. We highlight some of the remarkable geometrical features … of the zero pressure jamming point and discuss the peculiar mechanical properties of these systems for small pressures. …
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Using a simple, annealed model, some of the key features of the recently introduced extremal optimization heuristic are demonstrated. In particular, it is shown that the dynamics of local search possesses a generic critical point under the variation of its sole parameter, separating phases of...
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The jamming phenomenon of granular flow of mono-disperse disks in a two-dimensional hopper is studied experimentally …. When the opening of the hopper d is small, jamming occurs due to formation of an arch at the hopper opening. The jamming … disk configurations of the arch in the jamming events, the jamming probability can be explained quantitatively using a …
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