Showing 1 - 10 of 865
"This paper illustrates the effects of item-nonresponse in surveys on the results of multivariate statistical analysis when estimation of productivity is the task. To multiply impute the missing data a data augmentation algorithm based on a normal/Wishart model is applied. Data of the German IAB...
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"This paper illustrates the effects of item-nonresponse in surveys on the results of multivariate statistical analysis when estimation of productivity is the task. To multiply impute the missing data a data augmentation algorithm based on a normal/Wishart model is applied. Data of the German IAB...
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"This paper shows that a fusion of qualitative and quantitative methods in social research must not only consist of counting words in qualitative documents, exemplifying statistics by case studies, generating hypotheses by qualitative exploration studies or the like. Beyond that, typological...
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"Researchers in Germany have nowadays access to confidential micro data compiled from official statistics in a way that could not have been dreamt of just a few years ago. This paper describes the new institutions that grant data access - most importantly the research data centers located inside...
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"Die Aufdeckung komplexer Zusammenhänge zwischen verschiedenen Merkmalen aus dem sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungsbereich erfordert ein statistisches Analyseverfahren, das nicht nur die Vielzahl der erklärenden Merkmale (Datenvielfalt), sondern auch den Einfluß berücksichtigt, der von der...
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"Die Aufdeckung komplexer Zusammenhänge zwischen verschiedenen Merkmalen aus dem sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungsbereich erfordert ein statistisches Analyseverfahren, das nicht nur die Vielzahl der erklärenden Merkmale (Datenvielfalt), sondern auch den Einfluß berücksichtigt, der von der...
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"This paper shows that a fusion of qualitative and quantitative methods in social research must not only consist of counting words in qualitative documents, exemplifying statistics by case studies, generating hypotheses by qualitative exploration studies or the like. Beyond that, typological...
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The paper developes a VAR macrofinance model of the Czech economy. It shows that yield misalignments from the yields implied by the macrofinance model partially determine subsequent yield changes over three to nine months. These yield misalignments tend to persist for a number of months. This...
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Time series on economic activity in developing countries, in particular real GDP, are reported with important lags. Therefore, it is useful to construct indicators that coincide or lead the actual direction and level of economic activity. A general methodology to construct these indicators is...
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"Methods for the analysis of linked employer-employee data are not yet available in standard econometrics packages. In this paper, we make the fixed-effects methods developed orginally by Abowd, Kramarz, Margolis and others more accessible, where possible, and show how they can be implemented in...
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