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’ earnings forecasts of U.S. insurance companies. During most of the sample period, April 1983 through September 2012, the … financial markets. The differences in the IERP across the insurance sub-industries remained substantial after the crisis … of the results is that the current trend in accounting regulation to eliminate accounting differences across insurance …
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In this paper the effects of the introduction of the so called “pay per use” -insurance products are examined. These … insurance-premium paid. Since there is a positive correlation between mileage and the risk of causing an accident the refund is … characteristics of “pay per use” policy-holders and “traditional” policy- holders. Therefore a random sample of 4,000 car-insurance …
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The collapse of Colonial Life Insurance Company (Trinidad) Limited caused one of the most significant financial events … unlike a typical insurance company. The paper provides useful analysis for those in need of information regarding the failure …
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but not reported (IBNR) claims (in property casualty insurance) from residuals in a dynamic claims forecast model is … through insurance accounting relationships for adjusted underwriting results; and loss ratio or pure premium calculations …
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We investigate whether investors price accruals quality, our proxy for the information risk associated with earnings. Measuring accruals quality (AQ) as the standard deviation of residuals from regressions relating current accruals to cash flows, we find that poorer AQ is associated with larger...
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This paper examines the conditions necessary for calculating steady state terminal values in equity (company) valuation models. We make explicit use of the fact that a company's income statements and balance sheets can be modeled as a system of difference equations. From these difference...
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We study the interaction between insurance and capital markets within single but general framework.We show that capital … markets greatly enhance the risk sharing capacity of insurance markets and the scope of risks that are insurable because … provide insurance capital through stock markets.We show that aggregate risk enters private insurance as positive loading on …
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Using a generalized cross-spectral approach, we propose a model-free omnibus statistical procedure to check whether the direction of changes in an economic variable is predictable using the history of its past changes. A class of separate inference procedures are also given to gauge possible...
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This paper analyses investment strategies of three types of institutional investors pension funds, life insurers and non-life insurers over the period 1999-2005. We use balance sheet and cash flow data, including purchases and sales of equity, fixed income and real estate. We trace asset...
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applied on each unit of risk. According to European Commission (2007), European insurance and Reinsurance Federation (2008 …), and Chief Risk Officer Forum (2008), a single cost-of-capital rate shall be used by all insurance undertakings and for all … lines of business. This paper aims at analyzing the cost-of-capital rate given by European Insurance and Reinsurance …
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