Showing 1 - 10 of 56
This paper analyzes the role of common data problems when identifying structural breaks in small samples. Most notably, we survey small sample properties of the most commonly applied endogenous break tests developed by Brown, Durbin, and Evans (1975) and Zeileis (2004), Nyblom (1989) and Hansen...
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The introduction of the Euro has been accompanied by the hope that international competition between EMU member states would increase due to higher price transparency. This paper contributes to the literature by analyzing price elasticities in international trade flows between Germany and France...
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Durch die Osterweiterung der EU dürfte als Folge der jetzt heterogeneren ökonomischen Strukturen der Gemeinschaft die Pluralität der politischen Interessen der Mitgliedstaaten zugenommen haben. Welche Auswirkungen hat die Osterweiterung der EU auf die weitere Entwicklung des...
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Seit der zweiten Hälfte der 90er Jahre wird das Wachstum in Ostdeutschland zunehmend vom Außenhandel getragen. Dabei lagen in den vergangenen zehn Jahren die Exportzuwächse der neuen Bundesländer – ausgehend von einem niedrigen Niveau – deutlich über den Zuwächsen in Westdeutschland....
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Die jüngsten Erweiterungen der EU auf 27 Mitgliedsstaaten haben den europäischen Integrationsprozess in ein neues Stadium geführt. In einer Gemeinschaft von 27 zunehmend heterogenen Mitgliedsländern wird es immer schwieriger, gemeinsame Entscheidungen zu treffen, wodurch dem Prozess einer...
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In recent decades, the international division of labor expanded rapidly in course of globalization. In this context, highly developed countries specialized on (human) capital intensively manufactured goods and increasingly sourced parts and components from lowwage countries. Since this should be...
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German reunification entailed severe adjustment processes in East German export industries. With political and economic transition in Eastern Europe, at that time the main export market for East German producers, export demand initially collapsed in the early 1990s. Additionally, the...
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For a long time, the Federal Republic of Germany is one of the countries with the highest export performance in the world. But a closer examination of East- and West-Germany reveals substantial regional differences. The collabse of the markets in the eastern European countries, which were the...
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Since 2004, prices for crude oil nearly tripled at international commodity markets. In the wake of the oil crises of the 1970s and ‘80s, numerous empirical studies analysing the macroeconomic effects of sharp increases in commodity prices were carried out pointing at the risks of oil price...
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In the first decade after its introduction, the Euro didn’t just hold up well, but compared to important currencies even appreciated considerably. Of course, exchange rate risks were noticeably lowered by introducing the single currency, since the bulk of EMU Member States’ exports are...
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