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В статье дается генетико-исторический анализ теоретических представлений о критериях и принципах распределения обязанностей между государством и...
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Статья посвящена проблеме формирования концепции экономической свободы А. Смита в контексте развития республиканизма как ряда направлений политической мысли...
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В статье дается краткий обзор отражения вопросов обеспечения экономической безопасности территории в памятниках экономической и политико-правовой мысли....
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Академик В.П. Безобразов – один из ярких представителей блестящей плеяды русских экономистов эпохи либеральных реформ при императоре Александре II. Отстаивая в...
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Currently, the whole world has fallen prey to the most profound and long recession in the history after the war. Based on the causes and effects of the current crisis, can we say exactly which is the best economic trend that evokes the reality of today? Representatives of classicism,...
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This paper gives a brief overview of the reflection questions of economic security of the territory in the records of the economic, political and legal thoughts. Law codes of the ancient East countries, the treatises of the ancient Greek philosophers and medieval thinkers are analyzed. It is...
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Competition is a main feature of the free market, the content of which enriched the community evolvement. Various known forms of the type according to the market which is manifested. The increasing complexity of economic and social life requiring multiple measures regulations of various types of...
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Marx is dead. But so is Hayek. With neoliberalism crumbling, Europeans are beginning to wonder what it is that is really wrong with the current European Union. The paper proposes the following answer: To this day, European integration has not been a process of emancipation. This shortcoming,...
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El objeto de la presente ponencia es profundizar en el análisis de la iniciativa monetaria más relevante que el gobierno de San Martín desarrolla durante la guerra de Independencia, El Banco Auxiliar de Papel Moneda. El estudio centra la investigación en el análisis comparativo entre el...
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