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A voting protocol is said to be strongly participatory if for any player i and any strategy profile either the outcome is i‘s preferred one or has a strategy which would ensure her a better outcome, and VNMstrategy proof if at any preference profile the set of sincere strategies of each player...
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It is argued that virtually all coalitional, strategic and extensive game formats as currently employed in the extant game-theoretic literature may be presented in a natural way as discrete nonfull or even-under a suitable choice of morphisms- as full subcategories of Chu (Poset 2).
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This paper contributes to the task of classifying game forms from a structural point of view by studying properties of their concept-or Galoislattices. A characterization of those coalitional game forms that have topological closure systems is provided.It is also shown that CGFs with topological...
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In this paper a government form is modeled as an effectivity function scheme (EFS) i.e. a parameterized family of effectivity functions having admissible (strong) weight-profiles as the relevant parameters. Working in a 2-jurisdiction outcome space we show that the existence of umpires is...
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Generalized individual desirability relations are defined relying on a) effectivity functions (EFs) b) Galois lattices of EFs and c) opportunity rankings as defined on EFs. It is argued that such desirability relations enable an enlargement of the scope of gametheoretic approaches to the...
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We address the problem of ranking distributions of opportunity sets in terms of poverty. In order to accomplish this task, we identify a suitable notion of `multidimensional poverty line', extend the most widely used income poverty criteria to opportunity profiles, and provide characterizations...
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The domain of polyconvex sets, i.e. finite unions of convex, compact, Euclidean sets, is large enough to encompass most of the opportunity sets typically encountered in economic environments, including non-linear or even non-convex budget sets, and opportunity sets arising from production sets....
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The concept lattice of a coalitional game form is introduced and advocated as a structural classificatory tool. The basic properties of such lattices are studied. Sufficient concept-latticial properties for convexity of the underlying coalitional game form are identified. Spectral issues...
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