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heuristics fail to identify an improving column, an exhaustive search is performed starting with incrementally larger ending …
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combines a general modeling methodology with effective learning hyper-heuristics to solve this problem. The proposed hyper-heuristics …
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establishes a thesis stating that a metaheuristics approach to PPCS will harvest benefits not possibly considered when optimizing …
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This paper is concerned with the analysis and comparison of semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations for the satisfiability (SAT) problem. Our presentation is focussed on the special case of 3-SAT, but the ideas presented can in principle be extended to any instance of SAT specified by a set...
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Geometric branch-and-bound techniques are well-known solution algorithms for non-convex continuous global optimization problems with box constraints. Several approaches can be found in the literature differing mainly in the bounds used.
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The quadratic assignment problem (QAP) is a challenging combinatorial problem. The problem is NP-hard and in addition, it is considered practically intractable to solve large QAP instances, to proven optimality, within reasonable time limits. In this paper we present an attractive mixed integer...
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The floorplanning (or facility layout) problem consists in finding the optimal positions for a given set of modules of fixed area (but perhaps varying height and width) within a facility such that the distances between pairs of modules that have a positive connection cost are minimized. This is...
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This paper is concerned with the analysis and comparison of semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations for the satisfiability (SAT) problem. Our presentation is focussed on the special case of 3-SAT, but the ideas presented can in principle be extended to any instance of SAT specified by a set...
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