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, the other on a completion-time formulation. We show their equivalence by proving that a O(n log n) greedy algorithm leads …
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initially activated, and when a job is revealed the algorithm has the option to activate new machines. The objective is to … competitive ratios of 3/2 and 5/3 for m = 2, 3 cases, respectively. Then we present an online algorithm with a competitive ratio …
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processing times. We mainly propose an optimal ϕ-competitive online algorithm where ϕ ≥ 1 is a solution of equation ϕ3 + (α-1)ϕ2 …
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, that is b < ∞. In this paper, we provide a best possible online algorithm for the problem with a competitive ratio of …
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This paper is concerned with the Online Quota Traveling Salesman Problem. Depending on the symmetry of the metric and the requirement for the salesman to return to the origin, four variants are analyzed. We present optimal deterministic algorithms for each variant defined on a general space, a...
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first show a lower bound on the competitive ratio and present an online optimal algorithm for the problem. While this … optimal algorithm has non-polynomial running time, we present another online polynomial-time near optimal algorithm for the … problem. Experimental results show that our online polynomial-time algorithm produces solutions very close to the offline …
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We develop a model with many advertisers (products) and many advertising markets (media). Each advertiser sells to a different segment of consumers, and each medium has a different ability to target advertising messages. We characterize the competitive equilibrium in the media markets and...
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We develop a model with many heterogeneous advertisers (products) and advertising markets (media). Each advertiser has a different consumer segment for its product, and each medium has a different ability to target advertisement messages. We characterize the competitive equilibrium in the media...
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keywords using auction mechanism. We analyze a game-theoretic model to understand the interplay between organic and sponsored … search engine algorithm) may lead to either more or less aggressive bidding for sponsored link positions depending on …
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operated in 2004 to sell sponsored search listings on its search engine. We present results that indicate that this auction has …
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