Showing 1 - 10 of 17
The problem of nonparametrically predicting a scalar response variable from a functional predictor is considered. A sample of pairs (functional predictor and response) is observed. When predicting the response for a new functional predictor value, a semi-metric is used to compute the distances...
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This paper introduces local distance-based generalized linear models. These models extend (weighted) distance-based linear models firstly with the generalized linear model concept, then by localizing. Distances between individuals are the only predictor information needed to fit these models....
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Distance-based regression allows for a neat implementation of the Partial Least Squares recurrence. In this paper we address practical issues arising when dealing with moderately large datasets (n ~ 104) such as those typical of automobile insurance premium calculations.
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In this paper, we present a threshold proportional reinsurance strategy and we analyze the effect on some solvency measures: ruin probability and time of ruin. This dynamic reinsurance strategy assumes a retention level that is not constant and depends on the level of the surplus. In a model...
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Reinsurance is one of the tools that an insurer can use to mitigate the underwriting risk and then to control its solvency. In this paper, we focus on the proportional reinsurance arrangements and we examine several optimization and decision problems of the insurer with respect to the...
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Black-box optimization problems (BBOP) are dened as those optimization problems in which the objective function does not have an algebraic expression, but it is the output of a system (usually a computer program). This paper is focussed on BBOPs that arise in the eld of insurance, and more...
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The stop-loss reinsurance is one of the most important reinsurance contracts in the insurance market. From the insurer point of view, it presents an interesting property: it is optimal if the criterion of minimizing the variance of the cost of the insurer is used. The aim of the paper is to...
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In this paper we analyze how the optimal consumption, investment and life insur- ance rules are modified by the introduction of a class of time-inconsistent preferences. In particular, we account for the fact that an agents preferences evolve along the planning horizon according to her...
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