Showing 1 - 10 of 405
In den Diskussionen über die Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik nach 2013 nimmt die Honorierung nicht marktgängiger gesellschaftlicher Leistungen der Landwirtschaft eine zentrale Rolle ein. Unterschiedliche Ansichten bestehen darüber, was unter diesen Leistungen genau zu verstehen ist und wie sie...
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Dieser Arbeitsbericht analysiert und bewertet die Auswirkungen der Vorschläge der EUKommission zur künftigen Gestaltung der Direktzahlungen an landwirtschaftliche Betriebe ab 2014. Im Mittelpunkt der auf Deutschland bezogenen Analysen stehen die Vorschläge zum sog. Greening, das neue...
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For quite some time long-only index funds have been suspected of being responsible for price increases in agricultural futures markets. This suspicion has prompted demands to drastically limit long-only index funds' scope of activity. Such demands and their underlying diagnoses, however,...
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Long-only-Indexfonds stehen seit geraumer Zeit unter Verdacht, für die Preisanstiege an landwirtschaftlichen Warenterminmärkten verantwortlich zu sein. Hieraus wird die Forderung abgleitet, den Aktivitätsradius dieser Indexfonds drastisch einzuschränken. Allerdings stehen solche Forderungen...
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For local people in sub-Saharan Africa, large land investment projects currently imply many risks and few benefits. Drawing on own ethical and economic research and using evidence from the authors' case studies in Kenya, Mali and Zambia and a new database of large-scale land acquisitions...
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While both the scientific discourse on the capability approach and the scientific discourse regarding sustainable development in general, and sustainability theory specifically, are broad and well developed, the two discourses are more or less separated. In this contribution I ask if and how far...
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Combining the Capability Approach (CA) with Sustainable Development (SD) is a promising project that has gained much attention. Recently, scholars from both perspectives have worked on narrowing gaps between these development approaches, with a focus on the connection between the CA as a partial...
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Consultation is widely recognized as an important aspect of fair land deals; however, in terms of tangible instructions, this aspect remains unspecific. We develop a framework for consultation in the case of land acquisitions and analyze proposals for consultation contained in voluntary...
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This Handbook compiles the state of the art of current research on sustainable consumption from the world’s leading experts in the field. The implementation of sustainable consumption presents one of the greatest challenges and opportunities we are faced with today. On the one hand,...
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