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We consider a finite horizon discrete time model for bond market where bond prices are functions of the short rate process. We use a variant of the Ito's formula to decompose the bond price process into unique drift and martingale processes. We then apply the Girsanov's Theorem for finding a...
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constraints generate inflation. We study stochastic economies with fiat money, a central bank, one nondurable commodity, countably … and a fixed price for the commodity. Consequently, we investigate stationary equilibria with inflation, in which aggregate … equation for the rate of inflation continues to hold and the real rate of interest is equal to the common discount rate of the …
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We prove the existence of stationary monetary equilibrium with inflation in a “Bewley” model with constant aggregate …. We also find that, in the presence of real micro uncertainty about individual endowments, the rate of inflation is higher … are shown to generate additional inflation. …
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Selecting program portfolios within a budget constraint is an important challenge in the management of new product development (NPD). Optimal portfolios are difficult to define because of the combinatorial complexity of project combinations. However, at the aggregate level of the strategic...
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This paper considers a multi-period mean–variance portfolio selection problem with uncertain time-horizon in a regime-switching market, where the conditional distribution of the time-horizon is assumed to be stochastic and depends on the market states as the returns of risky assets do....
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We investigate in this paper a continuous-time mean–variance portfolio selection problem in a general market setting with multiple assets that all can be risky. Using the Lagrange duality method and the dynamic programming approach, we derive explicit closed-form expressions for the efficient...
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In an exchange economy under uncertainty populated by consumers having constant and equal relative risk aversion but heterogeneous probabilistic beliefs, we analyze the nature of the representative consumer's probabilistic belief and discount rates. We prove a formula that implies that the...
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The aim of this work is to use a duality approach to study the pricing of derivatives depending on two stocks driven by a bidimensional Lévy process. The main idea is to apply Girsanov's Theorem for Lévy processes, in order to reduce the posed problem to the pricing of a one Lévy driven stock...
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In this paper, we derive closed form solution for Russian option with jumps. First, we discuss the pricing of Russian options when the stock pays dividends continuously. Secondly, we derive the value function of Russian options by solving the ordinary differential equation with some conditions...
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This paper investigates market expectations of future equity prices using the probability distribution and the moments implied in equity option prices. We first conduct, without assuming a particular model, a nonparametric analysis of the development of market expectations in four major markets...
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