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We report on an experiment comparing two institutions governing bargaining over public good allocations. In our setting … mandatory rule thus creates a dynamic relationship between current decisions and future payoffs, and our experiment tests the …
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projects have demonstrated that the mechanism is efficiency enhancing. Our experiment tests whether the mechanism remains …
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whether to engage in costly punishment of a free rider in a survey-based experiment with 1423 students from seven study areas …
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Experimental studies show that the Nash equilibrium and its refinements are poor predictors of behavior in non-cooperative strategic games. Cooperation models, such as ERC and inequality aversion, yield superior predictions compared to the standard game theory predictions. However, those models...
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We use a large and heterogeneous sample of the Danish population to investigate the importance of distributional preferences for behavior in a public good game and a trust game. We find robust evidence for the significant explanatory power of distributional preferences. In fact, compared to...
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We report experimental findings on the role of charitable promises in bargaining settings. We vary the enforceability of such promises within variants of ultimatum games where the proposer suggest a split between himself, the responder and a char-itable donation. By reneging on initial pledges,...
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What happens when charities compete? We begin to answer this question through a laboratory experiment in which subjects …
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experiment with fiveperson committees that compares three alternative voting rules: unanimity (q=5); majority (q=3); and …
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