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The purpose of this study is to investigate the validity of the absolute version of the purchasing power parity (PPP) of a sample of four advanced and four emerging countries covering the period from 1993 to 2014. To examine the existence of PPP we apply the Augmented Dickey-Fuller, DF-GLS and...
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is discussed in terms of the leading example of bootstrap-based hypothesis testing in the well-known first order auto … conditions and their implications for possible improvements in terms of (empirical) size and power for bootstrap-based testing …, when compared to asymptotic testing, are illustrated by simulations. Following this, an overview of selected recent …
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paper provides a formal method of testing for nonstationary long memory against the alternative of particular forms of …
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We propose a new specification test to assess the validity of the judge leniency design. We characterize a set of sharp testable implications, which exploit all the relevant information in the observed data distribution to detect violations of the judge leniency design assumptions. The proposed...
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We discuss statistical inference problems associated with identification and testability in econometrics. We consider … approximations. In non-parametric models, such problems include testing moments and inference under heteroscedasticity or serial …
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TSMod is an interactive program which allows the user to estimate a broad range of univariate models. This review describes the possibilities of the package, from a user's perspective and with a secondary focus on the numerical accuracy of the program.
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Spurious regression analysis in panel data when the time series are cross-section dependent is analyzed in the paper. We show that consistent estimation of the long-run average parameter is possible once we control for cross-section dependence using cross-section averages in the spirit of the...
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asymptotically correct inferential procedure for testing the null hypothesis of no relationship in a LHR, which works whether the …
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In applied econometrics researchers often infer the relation among nonstationary time series by regression of their …
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