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We show theoretical and experimental results that demonstrate the potential of transparency to influence committee decision making and deliberation. We present a model in which committee members have career concerns and unanimity is needed to change the status quo. We study three scenarios -...
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affects information aggregation at the deliberation and voting stages, leading to sharply different committee error rates than …
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This paper reports results from a laboratory experiment studying the role of asymmetries, both in payoffs and recognition probabilities, in a model of strategic bargaining with Condorcet cycles. Overall, we find only limited support for the equilibrium predictions. The main deviations from...
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voting body may affect the balance of power between the original members even if their number of votes and the decision rule … this effect using laboratory experiments. Participants propose and vote on how to divide a budget according to weighted … majority voting rules, and we measure the voting power of a player by his average payoff in the experiment. By comparing voting …
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Traditional power indices ignore preferences and strategic interaction. Equilibrium analysis of particular non-cooperative decision procedures is unsuitable for normative analysis and assumes typically unavailable information. These points drive a lingering debate about the right approach to...
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more often than simple majority. In a series of laboratory experiments, we investigate how various rules affect the outcome …
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A conclave is a voting mechanism in which a committee selects an alternative by voting until a sufficient supermajority … conclave leads to efficiency gains relative to simple majority voting. We also compare welfare properties of a static versus a …
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We study experimentally the effectiveness of communication in common value committees exhibiting publicly known heterogeneous biases. We test models assuming respectively self-interested and strategic-, joint payoff-maximizing- and cognitively heterogeneous agents. These predict varying degrees...
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characteristics to others. The model is one of rational voting and generates the following predictions: (i) The paradox of not voting … does not arise, because the benefit of voting does not vanish with population size. (ii) Turnout in elections is positively … related to the size of the local community and the importance of social interactions. (iii) Voting may exhibit bandwagon …
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