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Optimally reallocating human capital to tasks is key for an organization to successfully navigate a transition. We study how to design employment contracts to allocate employees to different valuable projects within an organization given two simultaneous challenges: The employees have private...
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Standard models of moral hazard predict a negative relationship between risk and incentives, but the empirical work has … incentives decreases with risk aversion, more risk-averse agents prefer lower-incentive contracts; thus, in the optimal contract …, incentives are positively correlated with endogenous risk. In contrast, if risk aversion is high enough, the possibility of …
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We consider a general economy, where agents have private information about their types. Types can be multi-dimensional and potentially interdependent. We show that, if the interim distribution of types is common knowledge (the exact number of agents for each type is known), then a mechanism...
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We analyze the expected value of information about an agent's type in the presence of moral hazard and adverse selection. Information about the agent's type enables the principal to sort/screen agents of different types. The value of the information decreases in the variability of output and the...
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We analyze the expected value of information about an agent's type in the presence of moral hazard and adverse selection. Information about the agent's type enables the principal to sort/screen agents of different types. The value of the information decreases in the variability of output and the...
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A basic tenet of incentive theory states that there is a trade-off between risk and incentives. By implication, greater …
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We develop a model in which large risk-neutral firms and individual risk-averse consumers compete to employ heterogeneous workers by posting compensation menus. Production takes time, and we analyze how screening motives interact with the desire to smooth consumption. There is a unique symmetric...
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We develop a model in which large risk-neutral firms and individual risk-averse consumers compete to employ heterogeneous workers by posting compensation menus. Production takes time, and we analyze how screening motives interact with the desire to smooth consumption. There is a unique symmetric...
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choose between (low-powered) team incentives and (high-powered) individual incentives. We observe that subjects exhibiting … high trust or reciprocity in the trust game are more likely to choose team incentives. When exposed to individual … incentives, workers who chose team incentives perform worse if both the unobservable interdependency between workers and their …
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We analyze the new selection of teachers in basic and media education in Antioquia as an adverse selection problem. We have known the non-teaching professionals are going relatively well in the written tests, but lose that advantage in the analysis of their curriculum vitae (they usually do not...
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