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The analysis and measurement of production and transaction costs is an important tool in guiding decisions and in comprehendingthe behavior of the agents in a particular institutional environment. Although production costs have been widely studied in theliterature, transaction costs have not...
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Due to growing consumer demands regarding product quality and the social and environmental aspects of theproduction process, there is a need to redefine the agricultural productive structure so as to make it sustainable.The Integrated Production System in Coffee (CIP) aims to meet these new...
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The changes in the worldwide competitive scenario have posed difficulties to the survival of companies, forcing them to establish necessary cooperative relations for maintenance and survival in the markets. However, the lack of coordination and cooperation is considered a classic problem in the...
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The Brazilian agricultural sector is characterized by a great diversity of production systems subject to a wide number of risk factors.These risks cannot be completely eliminated, but they can be minimized by the adoption of some strategies, such as diversificationof agricultural and livestock...
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This work was carried out with the objective of both evalua-ting costs and identifying the shut-down point in milk production in Mi-nas Gerais State. According to theories on both production and costs, the shut-down point is defined as the lowest price dairy farmers could afford supplying milk...
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Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, identificar os determinantes da adoção da tecnologia pós-colheita de despolpamento pelos produtores rurais na atividade cafeeira de Viçosa, MG. Os cafeicultores que despolpam o café foram considerados adotantes de tal tecnologia. Aplicou-se o modelo Logit para...
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O presente trabalho pesquisou os níveis de eficiência econômica dos recursos produtivos da cafeicultura mineira, identificando variações na geração de resultados apurados por meio das metodologias paramétrica e não-paramétrica. Os dados utilizados foram: a) inventário de terra,...
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O sistema agroindustrial de leite brasileiro encontra-se inserido em um cenário em que ocorrem situações típicas de concorrência imperfeita, sendo exigido do segmento de produção desempenho que resulte na disponibilidade de matéria-prima a baixos custos. O presente trabalho teve como...
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Por meio deste estudo, buscou-se avaliar a eficiência econômica da alocação dos recursos produtivos da cafeicultura no Sul de Minas Gerais. Os municípios pesquisados estão entre os maiores produtores do sul do Estado, a exemplo de Alfenas, Guaxupé, São Sebastião do Paraíso, Varginha e...
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The present research had as objective, to compare checking cost methodologies and identify the milk production scales in the main states that produce milk in Brazil. The function of cost production of milk activity was estimated considering two methodologies, determined by: “milk activity...
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