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fifth risk factor based on realized volatility of index returns. Moreover, instead of using data for stocks of a particular … investable equity indices in the period of 2000-2015. Such an approach is proposed to estimate an equity risk premium for a … years we illustrate the importance of model risk and data overfitting effects when drawing conclusions upon results of …
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33 funds we employ Fama and French’s cross-sectional bootstrap. The results show that a large proportion of funds fail to …
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investigate risk/return characteristics of fundamentally-weighted and market-cap-weighted indexes and employ various risk …-adjustment approaches to ensure that return differences are not driven by risk. Based on stocks in the DJ Stoxx 600 index from July 1993 to … April 2007, we show that fundamentally-weighted indexes achieve higher risk-adjusted returns than market …
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attractive attracted under risk conditions. …
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tail dependence. Our findings suggest that nonlinearity in hedge fund exposure to market risk is more short-term in nature …
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Campbell and Shiller average 10 years of real S&P 500 earnings to construct its Cyclically Adjusted P/E ratio, or CAPE, which they then use to forecast its future 10-year returns. In essence, Campbell and Shiller kill two birds with one large stone - they use the 10-year average to reduce noise...
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One of the consequences of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is that the expected excess return of a financial instrument is proportional to the expected excess market return. The proportionality constant, called the instrument's beta, is the coefficient in the linear least-squares fit of...
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We propose a consistent and computationally efficient 2-step methodology for the estimation of multidimensional non … immune to estimation dimensionality problems. Simulations show good finite sample properties and significant efficiency gains …. This method is especially relevant for risk management purposes such as, for example, the computation of portfolio Value at …
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GLOBAL FINANCE LIQUIDITY RISK REVISITED: JP Morgan Alternative Assets Portfolio Liquidity Assessment Framework & Models … Guided Teams of Quants, Portfolio Managers and Managing Directors: Built Liquidity Risk Modeling System for Deployment by the … all liquidity risk models, methods, and measures.Led project management & scheduling and delivering high quality results …
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