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from July 28, 2000 to March 31, 2009. The Granger causality test and the Johansen cointegration technique were applied to … gold market. Results of the Johansen cointegration test for long-run relationships between the selected markets show that …
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This paper examines for the first time contagion to African stock markets with particular attention to the quantification of, and testing for the impact of (extreme) downside movements in foreign exchange and developed stock markets on the (extreme) downside risks in Africa stock markets. Using...
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We assess the role played by exchange rates in buffering or amplifying the propagation of shocks across international equity markets. Using copula functions we model the joint dependence between exchange rates and two global equity markets and, from a copula framework, we obtain the conditional...
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This paper is an attempt to investigate the dynamic relationship between U.S. and Indian stock markets through the conditional volatility of two stock markets, during the 1995-2007 period, using the monthly data of BSE listed BSE 100 and NYSE listed S & P 500 indices. The research methodology...
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Portfolio sorting is ubiquitous in the empirical finance literature, where it has been widely used to identify pricing anomalies in different asset classes. Despite the popularity of portfolio sorting, little attention has been paid to the statistical properties of the procedure or to the...
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This paper re-examines whether the stock markets are efficient or not by focusing the role of cross-sectional dependency and structural breaks with newly developed panel unit root tests proposed by Lee et al. (2016) and Nazlioglu and Karul (2017). To do this, we used 33 countries stock price...
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are included in the analysis. From the cointegration analysis and VAR analysis both long-term links and short-term links …
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, the study results accepted the null hypothesis of no cointegration exists between the variables respectively for the (Full …
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We employ spatial econometrics techniques to investigate to what extent countries' economic and geographical relations affect their stock market co-movements. Among the relations that we analyze, bilateral trade proves to be best suited to capture co-variations in returns. We find a strong...
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This paper investigates and analyzes the long-run equilibrium relationship between the Thai stock Exchange Index (SETI) and selected macroeconomic variables using monthly time series data that cover a 20-year period from January 1990 to December 2009. The following macroeconomic variables are...
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