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heteroscedasticity GARCH (1, 1) model. Also, to control if political uncertainty before the elections influences the return of MBI 10, a …
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, such as GARCH models, are investigated, to determine if they are more appropriate for predicting future return volatility …
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nonlinear volatility models (symmetric and asymmetric Generalized AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity [GARCH …
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/methodology/approach - The copula-based GARCH (1,1) and minimum spanning tree models are used in this study to analyze 14 series of stock market … pandemic. Moreover, the study fills the literature gap by combining the copula-based GARCH and the minimum spanning tree models …
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(GARCH) models, of differing lag and parameter terms, to forecast the variance of the market used in the denominator of the … squared forecast error (MSE) were used to compare the forecasting ability of the ex-ante GARCH models, Artificial Neural …
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error distribution were incorporated in the GARCH (2,1) and EGARCH (2,1) models. Result reveals that day-of-the-week effects …
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validate this result. The last twenty eight days out-of-sample forecast adjudged Power-GARCH (1, 1, 1) in student's t error …
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, Hong Kong and Taiwan), Japan and US. The originality of the paper is the use of STAR-GARCH models, instead of standard … correlation-cointegration techniques. For each country in the Pacific Basin region, we find statistically adequate STAR-GARCH …
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This article investigates the impact of introduction of equity derivatives in NSE, India, on price and liquidity characteristics of the underlying. First, the effect on price is examined following an event study methodology provided by Brown and Warner (1985), where the significance of the...
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This paper studies the dynamic change of volatility spillovers between several major international financial markets during the global COVID-19 pandemic using Diebold and Yilmaz's connectedness index. We found that the total volatility spillover in this March reached its highest level of recent...
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