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Exit theory predicts a governance role of outside blockholders' exit threats; but this role could be ineffective if managers' potential private benefits exceed their loss in stock-price declines caused by outside blockholders' exit. We test this prediction using the Split-Share Structure Reform...
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This paper offers in-depth analysis of the determinants and features of voluntary disclosure based on information in the annual reports of 1066 Chinese firms listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges. This extensive sample represents about 80% of all public companies in China. Our...
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This study provides critical observations on the state of key global equity markets as recent developments have put into question their efficiency and effectiveness in facilitating capital formation. It covers the top 26 initial public offering (IPO) producing nations, with a particular focus on...
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We derive and develop a simple and intuitive model that shines fresh light on the relentless debate over whether corporate ownership converges to the Berle-Means modern corporation with high stock ownership dispersion. Our model takes into account the importance of both protective legal...
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This paper is the first long-run historical analysis of stock market development and minority shareholder protection in France (1852-2007). For this purpose, we constructed a unique time series of shareholder protection indices (anti-director rights and securities law) and relied on triangulated...
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Several theories like optimal trading range hypothesis, liquidity hypothesis, signaling hypothesis have been advanced in relation to this non-economic corporate event. But still there is need to study the investors' optimizing behavior after stock split. With this focus on optimization of the...
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Exit theory predicts a governance role of outside blockholders' exit threats; but this role could be ineffective if managers' potential private benefits exceed their loss in stock-price declines caused by outside blockholders' exit. We test this prediction using the Split-Share Structure Reform...
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Antevenio is a leader in the field of online advertising and interactive marketing nationally and in Southern Europe. It is the only Spanish advertising company publicly traded (Alternext) and has more than 10 years a stable shareholder. The company has built a business model that sustained...
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Foreign firms terminate their SEC registration in the aftermath of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) because they no longer require outside funds to finance growth opportunities. Deregistering firms' insiders benefit from greater discretion to consume private benefits without having to raise higher...
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In Finance, it is widely accepted that its main objective is the shareholder value creation. To achieve this objective, the shareholder return must be higher than its cost of capital. We calculated the annual realized return (ARR) in the Argentinean Stock Market for a sample of 60 firms during...
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