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of linear autocorrelation, volatility clustering), trading volumes (volume clustering, correlation between volume and … volatility), and timing of trades (number of price changes, autocorrelation of durations between subsequent trades, heavy tail in …
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This paper suggests how to quantify asymmetries in volatility spillovers that emerge due to bad and good volatility … stocks at the disaggregate level. Moreover, the spillovers of bad and good volatility are transmitted at different magnitudes …
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EGARCH model. Empirical results indicate significant return and volatility spillover effects during the full sample and the …-movements, and strong volatility persistence. During the Russian Great Recession subsample, the ownreturn effects of the markets are … partially integrated and the volatility transmission linkages across them are not that strong in crises periods, thus confirming …
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framework is a bivariate volatility model, where volatility spillovers of either positive or negative sign are allowed for. Our … countries. Regarding the volatility spillovers, such spillovers from bond returns to those of stocks are stronger than the other … results show that by considering time-varying return and volatility spillovers when calculating the risk-minimising portfolio …
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speculate, we show that speculation increases volatility of asset returns and investment growth, increases the equity risk …
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link between monetary policy rate uncertainty and equity return volatility, both in theory and data. This paper uses … for equity variance and volatility at weekly, monthly and even quarterly horizons. The findings imply that market views of …
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The volatility of equity and foreign exchange market is an important input to portfolio selection and to asset pricing … models. Many investment decisions and valuation of derivatives frequently rely on predictions of volatility. In this paper we … review the existing empirical literature in forecasting volatility of financial time series. Particularly, we decompose the …
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addition, our model suggests that optimal monetary policy is not concerned with stock price volatility, does not attempt to …, producing lower inflation volatility when compared to the constant money supply policy rule …
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structural stochastic volatility, which derives from different noise levels in the demand of fundamentalists and chartists and …
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The financial markets stylized facts, volatility and its relationship with returns tested empirically in Tehran Stock …, 1) - EGARCH (1, 1) are used to determine the process of stock returns and volatility, and by applying ARCH(M) class … models and out-of-sample methodology the relationship between stock return and volatility is examined. The key findings are …
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