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In this paper, we confirm cross-sectional reversals in intraday returns in China's A-share market. Intraday reversals are shown to be robust with respect to seasonality, alternative samples, and the daily price-limit rule. To investigate the potential drivers, trade volumes and order imbalances...
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We analyze the value of investor relations (IR) strategies to IPO firms. We find that firms that are less visible and have inexperienced management tend to hire IR consultants prior to the issue date. IR consultants help create positive news coverage before an IPO event as reflected in a more...
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We examine the short-run dynamic relation between daily institutional trading and stock price volatility in a retail … investor-dominated emerging market. We find a significantly negative relation between volatility and institutional net trading … that is mainly due to the unexpected institutional trading. The price volatility-institutional trade relation differs for …
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Volatility is an important component of asset pricing; an increase in volatility on markets can trigger changes in the … hypothesized that there are movements in risk that are driven by volatility linked to sentiment-driven noise trader activity whose … investor sentiment and stock return volatility which shows that behavioural finance can significantly explain the behaviour of …
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Despite momentum's strong historical performance, its returns have large negative skewness and occasionally experiences persistent strings of sharp negative returns, referred as "momentum crashes" in the recent literature. I argue that momentum crashes are due to crowded trades which push prices...
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This study explores whether the credit risk anomaly exhibits option-like behavior similar to the momentum anomaly. Employing a market-timing regression model as in Daniel and Moskowitz (2013), it finds that the inverted credit risk spread indeed displays option-like behavior in bear market...
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factors capture mispricing by being long on overpriced stocks and short on underpriced stocks. Option-implied volatility …
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We estimate the relative signal jump variance (RSJV) as the difference between the realized positive half-variance and negative half-variance divided by the realized variance using high-frequency intraday data and investigate its role in the cross-sectional pricing in the Chinese stock market....
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Using a very large data set with more than 9,700 stocks listed on NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ, we analyze overnight price jumps and report short-term investor overreaction to information shocks and document return reversal and predictability up to five days. For negative and positive overnight jumps,...
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remains a question. Using a simple model to illustrate the linkage between idiosyncratic volatility and investor overreaction …
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