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Despite the increased frequency of analyst forecasts during earnings announcements, empirical evidence on the interaction between the information in the earnings announcement and these forecasts is limited. We examine the implications of reinforcing and contradicting analyst forecast revisions...
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Theory suggests that the informativeness of price at the time of an earnings announcement increases with the number of informed traders who possess superior information to process news from firm disclosures (Kyle 1985; Admati and Pfleiderer 1988; Kim and Verrecchia 1994). In this paper, we investigate...
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We examine the role of concurrent information in the striking increase in investor response to earnings announcements from 2001 to 2016, as measured by return variability and volume following Beaver (1968). We find management guidance, analyst forecasts, and disaggregated financial statement...
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We exploit information in option prices in order to study whether the ex post responsiveness of tock prices to earnings information is reflected from an ex ante, firm- and quarter-specific perspective. Specifically, we develop a measure of anticipated information content (AIC) that isolates the...
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Using a large proprietary database of transaction-level institutional trades for the period from 1997-2011, we find that institutional investors are net sellers in dividend reduction firms during the two quarters prior to the announcements. They also trade more intensively in firms that do not...
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This paper investigates the problem of time stamp errors in the IBES database, the most important data provider of analyst recommendations and forecasts currently. We compare IBES to alternative data sources and show that IBES announcement dates of both recommendations and forecasts are...
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This study examines the impact of credit rating announcement on stock returns of 22 banks rated by the Pakistan Credit Rating Agency and listed in Karachi Stock Exchange. Daily stock returns have been used, covering period from 2008 to 2014. The study uses event study methodology; a fifteen days...
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This paper tests several predictions from an information diffusion framework in the quarterly earnings announcement setting. First, post-announcement drift is documented only for earnings announcements that have high information content (uncertainty), measured by high abnormal trading volume and...
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Large earnings surprises and negative earnings surprises represent more egregious errors in analysts' earnings forecasts. We find evidence consistent with our expectation that egregious forecast errors motivate analysts to work harder to develop or acquire relatively more private information in...
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This paper examines the role of earnings quality in the future performance of firms that marginally miss or beat analysts' forecasts. We focus primarily on two groups of firms: those that miss their forecast but appear not to have attempted to exceed it by managing earnings, and those that...
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