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This paper discusses the various causal relations between unemployment and participation to the labor market, notably … various exogenous variations jointly affect unemployment and participation. Empirical tests based on time-series of OECD … unemployment rates. A variance decomposition exercise indicates that, in Continental Europe, participation is driven in the short …
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This paper presents a framework to interpret movements in the Beveridge curve and analyze unemployment fluctuations. We … decompose the unemployment rate into three main components: (1) a component driven by changes in labor demand – movements along … driven by changes in the efficiency of matching unemployed workers to jobs. We find that cyclical movements in unemployment …
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Persistent unemployment after recessions and the policies required to bring it down are the subject of an ongoing … unemployment, requiring the implementation of structural policy reforms. The alternative view is that the slow recovery of the … economy is due to cyclic reasons coming from lack of demand which prevents unemployment from falling quickly. Knowing whether …
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This paper presents estimates of the effect of emergency and extended unemployment benefits (EEB) on the unemployment … ineligible for EEB back to the late 1970s. To identify these estimates, we examine how exit rates from unemployment change across … different points of the distribution of unemployment duration when EEB is and is not available, controlling for changes in labor …
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has shown that parents support their children financially through an unemployment spell. In this paper, we also provide …
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has shown that parents support their children financially through an unemployment spell. In this paper, we also provide …
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market patterns. Poor match quality among first jobs implies large fluctuations in unemployment due to a responsive job …-the-job search, generates a negative comovement between unemployment and vacancies. A significant job ladder, consistent with the … empirical wage dispersion, provides ample scope for the propagation of vacancies and unemployment …
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EWE is a consequence of one of the most important labor institutions: the unemployment benefit (UB). We develop a model …
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the unemployment rate and increases the employment rate. From a theoretical point of view, higher progressivity induces a … average wage, we show that a more progressive taxation reduces the unemployment rate and increases the employment rate. These …
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suggest that a more progressive tax schedule reduces the unemployment rate and increases the employment rate. These findings …
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