Showing 81 - 90 of 14,891
An Englishman once watched his first American football game. He looked intently as the team gathered into a huddle after each play. His American host asked him what he thought of the proceedings. “Not a bad sport,” remarked the visitor, “but they do seem to engage in an excessive number of...
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This study explores a new modelling approach that bridges the gap between multilateral country-level data and the bilateral-model based, goods-market specific purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis. Under this approach, PPP is embedded in latent common factors, extractable from a large set of...
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Research efforts towards new energy sources and towards the efficiency of energy use will be vital to reducing CO2 abatement costs in the long term. Can such efforts be induced by price instruments? Economists often cite induced technological change as a possible consequence of environmental...
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This paper evaluates complementarities of labor market institutions and the business cycle in the context of a stochastic dynamic general equilibrium model economy. Matching between workers and vacancies with endogenous time spent in search, Nash-bargained wages, payroll taxation, and...
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Although the standard work week is longer in East than in West Germany, there is a higher incidence and average amount of unpaid overtime worked in the new states. We try to explain the striking differences in unpaid overtime by analyzing the labor supply side. We focus on the investment...
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Aufgrund der nach wie vor äußerst unbefriedigenden Lage auf dem Arbeitsmarkt wird intensiv nach Lösungen gesucht, diese Situation zu verbessern. Dabei sind, nicht zuletzt aufgrund ihrer geschichtlichen Entstehung als "Kinder der Not" (Marburger Bank o. J.), auch die Genossenschaften in den...
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Rising wage inequality in the U.S. and Britain (especially in the 1980s) and rising continental European unemployment (with rather stable wage inequality) have led to a popular view in the economics profession that these two phenomena are related to negative relative demand shocks against the...
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This paper analyses the link between educational attainment and unemployment risk in a French-German comparison, based on a discrete time competing risks hazard rate model applied to comparable microdata sets. The unemployment risk is broken down into the risk of entering unemployment and the...
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The paper investigates whether (unsubsidised) fixed-term contracts (FTCs) are a means of integration for the unemployed in the West German labour market. This is done by analysing whether entering into an FTC improves the employment opportunities of an unemployed person in terms of the...
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Diese Arbeit soll einen ersten Einblick in die Sanktionsinstrumente Sperrzeit und Säumniszeit für Leistungsempfänger der Bundesanstalt für Arbeit geben. Die Forschung basiert auf umfangreichen Individualdatensätzen der Bundesanstalt für Arbeit, der IAB-Beschäftigtenstichprobe und...
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