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We explore future job creation needs under conditions of demographic, economic, and technological change. First, we estimate the implications for job creation in 2020-2030 of population growth, changes in labor force participation, and the achievement of plausible target unemployment rates,...
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In the last decade the available labor force has expanded in Germany-despite the decline in the working-age population. The reason: labor market participation has increased, for women in particular and older people in general. Also noticeable was a rise in qualification level because...
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This paper shows the importance of European Social Fund’s (ESF) countermeasures for reintegrating long-term unemployed persons aged 50+ in Austria since their number has increased in recent years. Four research questions are defined, which deal with the theoretical background, the ESF's...
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We analyse the effects of demographic and education changes on unemployment rates in Europe. Using a panel of European countries for the 1980-2000 period - disaggregated by cohort, gender and education, - we empirically test the economic effects of two stylised facts that have occurred in recent...
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