Showing 1 - 10 of 43
Recent studies suggest that migrants may be less satisfied with their "new" lives than members of the host population and worry that this may be driven by cultural factors, such as feelings of not belonging. Motivated by this concern, this paper analyses the life satisfaction of immigrants once...
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Five years ago, almost a million people came to Germany seeking refuge. Chancellor Angela Merkel responded to public concern over such a large influx of refugees with her well-known saying, "Wir schaffen das" (We can do this!). Much has happened since then. As this report shows, the German...
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Vor fünf Jahren suchten rund eine Million Menschen Zuflucht in Deutschland. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel begegnete der Besorgnis in der Bevölkerung darüber mit ihrem bekannten Ausspruch "Wir schaffen das." Seitdem hat sich einiges getan. Wie dieser Bericht zeigt, nehmen die Sorgen der hier...
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This special issue of the International Review of Economics and Finance contributes to the received literature of the dynamics of international migration by highlighting the role of tradition in propelling migration; by admitting that the human capital formation response to the prospect of...
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Ethnische Vielfalt ist eine Quelle für ökonomische Vorteile, die sich Migranten und ihre Aufnahmeländer zunutze machen können. Insbesondere der Grad an Bindung oder Identifikation mit dem Aufnahme- und Herkunftsland determiniert den ökonomischen Erfolg von Zuwanderern. Grundlage eines...
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Jordan. Using a simple sharing experiment, we find only a small degree of out-group discrimination. However, Jordanian … children with Palestinian roots do not discriminate at all, suggesting that a family history of refugee status can generate …
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Language proficiency is a key driver of immigrant integration. It increases job opportunities and facilitates social and political participation. However, despite its vital importance, many immigrants never reach adequate proficiency in the host country language. Therefore, insights into the...
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This study reviews and evaluates the motives and incentives behind immigrants' religiosity, focusing on the two sides of the Atlantic - Europe and the United States. The contribution of the study is mainly empirical, trying to identify indicators for the type of incentive - whether immigrants'...
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We present a basic theoretical framework of ethnic identity, i.e., the level of immigrant's commitment to his or her host society as well as the immigrant's commitment to his or her home society. Our model can explain the emerging empirical literature which studies the effect of the immigrants'...
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Die Bildungs- und Erwerbsverläufe von Migrantenkindern in Frankreich und Deutschland sind äußerst vielfältig. In der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung dominieren die wenig Erfolgreichen. Dabei sind erfolgreiche Biographien junger Erwachsener mit Migrationshintergrund aber keineswegs eine zu...
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