Showing 1 - 10 of 35
Recent studies suggest that migrants may be less satisfied with their "new" lives than members of the host population and worry that this may be driven by cultural factors, such as feelings of not belonging. Motivated by this concern, this paper analyses the life satisfaction of immigrants once...
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This special issue of the International Review of Economics and Finance contributes to the received literature of the dynamics of international migration by highlighting the role of tradition in propelling migration; by admitting that the human capital formation response to the prospect of...
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Ethnische Vielfalt ist eine Quelle für ökonomische Vorteile, die sich Migranten und ihre Aufnahmeländer zunutze machen können. Insbesondere der Grad an Bindung oder Identifikation mit dem Aufnahme- und Herkunftsland determiniert den ökonomischen Erfolg von Zuwanderern. Grundlage eines...
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This study reviews and evaluates the motives and incentives behind immigrants' religiosity, focusing on the two sides of the Atlantic - Europe and the United States. The contribution of the study is mainly empirical, trying to identify indicators for the type of incentive - whether immigrants'...
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We present a basic theoretical framework of ethnic identity, i.e., the level of immigrant's commitment to his or her host society as well as the immigrant's commitment to his or her home society. Our model can explain the emerging empirical literature which studies the effect of the immigrants'...
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. This paper exploits this natural experiment to estimate the impact of Syrian refugees on the labor market outcomes of …
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This study analyses the selection of a sample of 203 young male asylum seekers from Middle Eastern and African countries that recently arrived in Germany. The findings suggest that, on average, asylum seekers in our sample have 22% more years of schooling-the indicator used for human...
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Die soziale Integration von Flüchtlingen kann einen substanziellen Beitrag zu deren ökonomischer Integration leisten, häufig sind negative Einstellungen der Bevölkerung gegenüber ethnischen Minderheiten aber ein Schlüsselfaktor für Integrationsprobleme. Die Förderung ehrenamtlichen...
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Refugees in Germany perceive discrimination due to their country of origin in various life dimensions, which can negatively affect their integration into society. Using IAB-BAMF-SOEP survey data, this report analyzes to what extent refugees perceive discrimination on the labor market, at...
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Geflüchtete in Deutschland fühlen sich in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen aufgrund ihrer Herkunft diskriminiert. Dies kann ihre Integration nachhaltig beeinträchtigen. Dieser Bericht analysiert auf Basis der IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung, inwieweit sie Benachteiligungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, in...
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