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's migration behavior at the global level. Using the individual-level survey data from Gallup World Poll across 139 countries over … migration, although budgetary constraints may prevent youth from transforming their migration desires into actual plans in low … turned into more concrete plans. Finally, this study shows that while youth's and adults' migration propensities are often …
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We investigate the employment effects of living in affordable housing. We develop a unique administrative data set of labor market biographies linked to affordable housing projects in five German cities. This allows us to follow individuals in affordable housing over almost 20 years. The funding...
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migration are undermining Bulgaria’s growth prospects, the sustainability of its social institutions and society more widely …
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In this paper the author sheds light on the relationship between labor market policy, entrepreneurship and youth unemployment prior to and in the aftermath of the global financial crisis in Spain. He discusses the situation, where labor market and macroeconomic policies were largely inefficient...
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This essay aims to discuss the conditions for a successful implementation of the European Youth Guarantee in Italy. In principle, the program should be able to affect the frictional and mismatch components of unemployment, if not the Keynesian and neoclassical ones, as also the experience of...
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This paper provides an overview of the employment situation of young and old workers in the EU Member States, setting out the most recent development during the crisis and dealing with policies implemented to promote the employment of both groups. The evidence collected shows that there is no...
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Between 1984 and 2003, New Zealand undertook comprehensive market-oriented economic reforms. In this paper, we use Census data to examine how the internal mobility of Māori compares to that of Europeans in New Zealand in the period after these reforms. It is often suggested that Māori are less...
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We build a dynamic model of migration where, in addition to classical mobility costs, workers face informational …
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This paper examines migration trends in the European Union since the enlargements of 2004-2007, which brought 100 … migration trends and show how European integration depleted the labor force in new member countries. Several of them lost 10% of … their population since 2006, most of it via negative net migration. In 2019, 18% of Romanians, 14% of Lithuanians, 13 …
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This paper examines the role of labor market frictions and moving costs in explaining the migration behavior of US … estimate a dynamic model of individual labor supply and migration decisions. The model incorporates a reduced-form search model … and allows for migration for non-market reasons. My estimates show that moving costs are substantial and that labor market …
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