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is also warranted. We calculate work incentives using the tax-benefit microsimulation model EUROMOD, adapting it to …
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the EUROMOD microsimulation models, it shows that the new guaranteed minimum income scheme introduced in 2019 …
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We assess the labour supply effects of two 'making work pay' reforms in Germany. We provide evidence in favour of policies that distinguish between low effort and low productivity by targeting individuals with low wages rather than individuals with low earnings. In assessing the policies we...
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Staatliche Instrumente zur Beschäftigungsförderung und Einkommenssicherung im Niedriglohnbereich durch Kombilohn-Modelle existieren auch in Deutschland schon seit längerem und wurden im Zuge der jüngsten Arbeitsmarktreformen ausgeweitet. Diese haben das Ziel, durch eine einkommensabhängige...
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protection' and the microsimulation model MIMOSIS to assess the labour supply effects of a reform of the rules for cumulating …
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The Israeli EITC program is based on individual incomes, unlike the EITC programs in the US and the UK, which supplement low-income families' earnings according to the combined family income. Using a large administrative panel dataset of tax and benefit records, and the natural experiment...
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Policies that support the unemployed, while reducing employment barriers and benefit dependency, are of particular interest in the current economic climate. This paper examines alternative policy approaches for combining adequate income support for the jobless with incentives to keep out-of-work...
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In 2007 and 2008 Polish governments introduced a series of reforms which led to a substantial reduction in the tax 'wedge' (in Polish: 'klin') on labour. The mean ATR on total labour cost was reduced from 41.6% to 34.0%. We show that when considered together the package of introduced reforms...
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