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While there is a large body of literature evaluating how active labor-market policies such as training impact worker outcomes, relatively few studies examine how such policies impact workers who are displaced by trade. The few studies on training and trade-related labor adjustment focus on the...
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Prior literature has established that displaced workers suffer persistent earnings losses by following workers in administrative data after mass layoffs. This literature assumes that these are involuntary separations owing to economic distress. This paper examines this assumption by matching...
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We analyze how quits responded to arbitrary differences in own and peer wages using an unusual feature of a pay raise at a large U.S. retailer. The firm's use of discrete pay steps created discontinuities in raises, where workers earning within 1 cent of each other received new wages that...
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This paper examines the migration and labor mobility in the European Union and elaborates on their importance for the existence of the EU. Against all measures of success, the current public debate seems to suggest that the political consensus that migration is beneficial is broken. This comes...
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This paper examines whether and to what extent loan officers' labor mobility affects the origination and modification of U.S. residential mortgage loans. Our identification relies on a spatial regression discontinuity design instituted by staggered adoption of the inevitable disclosure doctrine...
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"Guest workers" earn higher wages overseas on temporary low-skill employment visas. This wage effect can quantify global inefficiencies in the pure spatial allocation of labor between poorer and richer countries. But rigorous estimates are rare, complicated by migrant self-selection. This paper...
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This paper analyses job separations in Germany using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel spanning from 1984 to 2003. Based on detailed reasons for job separation and different SOEP samples, the paper attempts to establish the nature of job separations in Germany. It brings to light some...
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We examine the relationship between works councils and two different types of employment separation: dismissals by the firm and voluntary quits by employees. Based on representative data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we find a negative relationship between works councils and both kinds...
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This paper provides empirical evidence on the relation between labor mobility and disclosurequality of banks. I use adoption and rejection of Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine (IDD) by statecourts as exogenous shocks to labor mobility. Adoption of IDD discourages labor mobility,because it provides...
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This paper examines the role of population flows on labour market dynamics across immigrant and native-born populations in the United Kingdom. Population flows are large, and cyclical, driven first by the maturation of baby boom cohorts in the 1980s, and latterly by immigration in the 2000s. New...
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