Showing 1 - 10 of 592
This paper provides a simple matching model in which unemployed workers and employers in large firms can be matched …
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Reduced-form tests of scale effects in markets with search, run when aggregate matching functions are estimated, may …
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I study a dynamic search-matching model with two-sided heterogeneity, a production complementarity that induces labor …
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This paper makes two contributions to the empirical matching literature. First, a recent study by Anderson and Burgess … (2000) testing for endogenous competition among job seekers in a matching frame-work, is replicated with a richer and more … accurate data set for Germany. Their results are confirmed and found to be surprisingly robust. Second, the matching framework …
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This paper investigates spatial correlation in the matching process of vacant jobs and job seekers. The importance of … clusters of regions of particularly intense interregional matching, and examine the effects of German re-unification. After …
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build on a partial equilibrium search and matching model and expand the model to a general equilibrium model with sticky … sticky price model outperforms the staggered wage model in terms of matching volatilities, while the combination of both …
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This paper examines wage dispersion and wage dynamics in a stock-flow matching economy with on-the-job search. Under … stock-flow matching, job seekers immediately become fully informed about the stock of viable vacancies. If only one option …
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The generosity of the Unemployment Insurance system (UI) plays a central role for the job search behavior of unemployed individuals. Standard search theory predicts that an increase in UI benefit generosity, either in terms of benefit duration or entitlement, has a negative impact on the job...
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This paper considers a matching model with heterogenous jobs (unskilled and skilled) and workers (low and high …
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A firm monopsonistically hires labor from a pool containing both skilled and unskilled workers. The marginal value of a worker depends on the match between the job and the worker's skill level. Unskilled workers can have negative productivity if they are placed in a skilled job. The firm cannot...
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