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Private state verification is introduced in a two-period economy with spot markets in both periods and complete futures markets for contingent delivery in the second period. Existence of equilibrium is established, under standard assumptions. An example is presented in which a complete set of...
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The notion of uncertain delivery is extended to study exchange economies in which agents have different abilities to distinguish between goods (for example a car in good condition versus a car in bad condition). In this setting, it is useful to distinguish goods not only by their physical...
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We introduce a two-period economy with asymmetric information about the state of nature that occurs in the second period. Each agent is endowed with an information structure that describes her (incomplete) ability to prove whether or not a state has occurred. We show that if the number of states...
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Differential information economies are investigated from the viewpoint of contract based approach, developed in series of author's papers. The key idea of the approach is to change the study of a “final” allocation of commodities with (different forms) stable webs of barter contracts which...
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We propose the notion of objects of choice as uncertain consumption bundles, extending the formulation of Arrow (1953). Agents sign “contracts for uncertain delivery”, which specify a list of alternative bundles, instead of a single one. This allows us to incorporate uncertainty and...
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In large quasilinear economies, we provide sufficient conditions to establish the nonemptiness of several versions of approximate interim cores with endogenous communication. This is done by proving nonemptiness of approximate ex post cores satisfying incentive compatibility. When the number of...
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We provide nonemptiness results of approximate interim cores with endogenous communication in large quasilinear economies, where every agent's informational size is small. We offer results for both replica and more general sequences of economies.
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We analyse an endogenous prize all-pay auction under complete information where it is possible that none of the bidders wins and the winning payoff becomes non-monotonic in own bid. We derive the conditions for the existence of pure strategy equilibria and fully characterize the unique mixed...
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The paper is concerned with the existence and the approximation property of pure strategy epsilon-equilibria of private information games. The results obtained so far assumed the compactness of strategy sets as well as the continuity of utility functions. Whereas, we assume that the strategy...
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This paper studies an asset market where, as in major world exchanges, informed and liquidity investors continuously control the timing of orders and whether to take or provide liquidity. In equilibrium, investors demand and supply liquidity simultaneously, following distinctive time-varying...
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