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offering a menu of contracts. The analysis provides a proper benchmark for studying auditing under limited commitment and sheds … new light on the usefulness of mediation in contracting and on the design of optimal mechanisms. …
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This paper provides a complete characterization of equilibria in a game-theoretic version of Rothschild and Stiglitz's (1976) model of competitive insurance. I allow for stochastic contract offers by insurance firms and show that a unique symmetric equilibrium always exists. Exact conditions...
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Optimal contracts between a buyer and a seller who trade multiple goods under asymmetric information are considered. The seller makes sequences of unobservable investments, and then realizes the value of the goods. The investment level and value of goods are private information for the seller...
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In this chapter we study dynamic incentive models in which risk sharing is endogenously limited by the presence of informational or enforcement frictions. We comprehensively overview one of the most important tools for the analysis such problems—the theory of recursive contracts. Recursive...
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We study dynamic contracting with adverse selection and limited commitment. A firm (the principal) and a worker (the agent) interact for potentially infinitely many periods. The worker is privately informed about his productivity and the firm can only commit to short-term contracts. The ratchet...
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), and firms have the option of auditing to learn workers’ productivities. Audits are costly and non–contractible. We … characterize the trade–offs between signaling by workers and costly auditing by firms. Auditing is always associated with (partial … feature new auditing patterns and explain empirical observations in labor economics like wage differentials and comparative …
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' productivities from their education choices. In reality, firms also use sophisticated pre-employment auditing to learn workers …
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' productivities from their education choices. In reality, firms also use sophisticated pre-employment auditing to learn workers …
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We study mechanism design under endogenously incomplete commitment as it arises in contracting with escape clauses. An escape clause permits the agent to end a contractual relationship under specified circumstances, after which the principal can offer an ex-post contract. Escape clauses are...
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