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The information content of stock prices is analysed without imposing strong restrictions on traders' preferences and the distribution of dividends. Noise in the information contained in equilibrium prices arises from endogenous asset supply, which offsets price movements due to informed trading....
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Using over 5000 equity and option trades unequivocally based on nonpublic information about firm fundamentals, we find that commonly used asymmetric information proxies (AIPs) display abnormal values on days with informed trading. Volatility and trading volume are abnormally high, whereas...
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New media have markedly enhanced individuals' capacity to produce and disseminate original knowledge; however, the literature has not extensively examined the broad effects of such decentralized production processes. The current study thus focuses on a unique context — the stock market — in...
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We develop a new measure for the probability of informed trading, called PCP. Using double-sorted portfolios, we find that excess returns increase from low to high PCP portfolios. In regression analysis, the effect of PCP on returns is significantly positive after controlling for illiquidity...
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Using a structural market microstructure model, we develop a new measure of price informativeness that utilizes data on both price and volume, which we call the INF measure. We show that, compared to traditional measures, our measure is better at capturing information in prices, evidenced by...
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This study aims at examining the integration impact of the five ASEAN Islamic capital markets on asymmetric information for ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) development. Utilizing samples of market and financial panel data from 2009 to 2015 among the five ASEAN Islamic capital markets, and...
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We develop a model of an order-driven exchange competing for order flow with off-exchange trading mechanisms. Large investors can trade in either the primary market or the off-exchange market and induce liquidity externalities. Liquidity suppliers in the primary market face a trade-off between...
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