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We experimentally study the effect of asymmetry on cooperation in a 40 period prisoner's dilemma game in fixed partner … symmetric ones. Asymmetry significantly decreases cooperation, as low-type players are more likely to defect after mutual … cooperation while high-type players initiate cooperation more often than the former. Asymmetry also has a significant negative …
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This paper assesses the nature and correlation of shocks in Visegrad countries and investigates the role of labour mobility in the process of adjustment to the effects of asymmetric shocks. Structural vector autoregression (SVAR) models are employed to assess the nature and correlation of shocks...
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asymmetry (not symmetry), and it is applied to the data on a nominal scale. An example is given. …This paper proposes a model, which is an extension-of-symmetry model, for square contingency tables with the same …
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This paper considers the general application to symmetric circular densities of two forms of change of argument: one produces extended families of distributions which contain symmetric densities which are more flat-topped, as well as others which are more sharply peaked, than the originals, and...
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This research investigates the connection between the number of researchers and greenhouse gas emissions. Using a panel linear and nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) analysis of EU-27 data from 2009 to 2020. The study discovered that the connection between the number of researchers...
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This paper assesses the nature and correlation of shocks in Visegrad countries and investigates the role of labour mobility in the process of adjustment to the effects of asymmetric shocks. Structural vector autoregression (SVAR) models are employed to assess the nature and correlation of shocks...
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In major legal orders such as UK, the U.S., Germany, and France, bribers and recipients face equally severe criminal sanctions. In contrast, countries like China, Russia, and Japan treat the briber more mildly. Given these differences between symmetric and asymmetric punishment regimes for...
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