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modelling the automated negotiation process as a two-person bargaining game under incomplete information. A first result states …
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/2; if neither offer falls into the interval, there is no settlement. Comparisons are made with other bargaining mechanisms …
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In this paper we analyze sequencing situations under incomplete information where agents have interdependent costs. We first argue why Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (or VCG) mechanism fails to implement a simple sequencing problem in dominant strategies. Given this impossibility, we try to implement...
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In mechanism design problems under incomplete information, it is generally difficult to find decision problems that are first best implementable. A decision problem under incomplete information is first best implementable if there exists a mechanism that extracts the private information and...
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This paper considers incentives for information acquisition ahead of conflicts. First, we characterize the (unique) equilibrium of the all-pay auction between two players with one-sided asymmetric information where one player has private information about his valuation. Then, we use ou rresults...
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The paper reports on an experiment on two-player double-auction bargaining with private values. We consider a setting …
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this optimal mechanism, the seller never allocates the object to the regular buyer regardless of his bargaining power in … if resale is prohibited. We find that the seller's revenue is increasing in the publicly known buyer's bargaining power … in the resale market. When the publicly known buyer has full bargaining power, Myerson's optimal revenue is achieved …
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In multi-object auction models with unitary demand agents, if agents utility functions satisfy quasi-linearity, three auction formats, sealed-bid auction, exact ascending auction, and approximate ascending auction, are known to identify the minimum price equilibrium (MPE), and exhibit elegant...
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