Showing 1 - 10 of 141
The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) has redrafted the old ‘transmission of business' provisions for awards and agreements as new ‘transfer of business' provisions. The new provisions differ considerably from the immediately prior Work Choices rules, and they also mark a change from the pre-Work...
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This paper offers a comparative critique of one of the few aspects of the new Australian Consumer Law (ACL) that had no counterpart in prior domestic or New Zealand law. ACL Part 3-3 Div 5 belatedly adds a new obligation on suppliers to notify regulators of certain consumer product related...
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This paper addresses treaty-based investor-state arbitration (ISA) and other forms of investor-state dispute settlement. The topic has become particularly controversial for Australia, given its ongoing Free Trade Agreement negotiations with Japan – which is also considering joining...
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Islamic banking and finance is still at the embryonic stage in Australia. There have been uncertainties as to how and to what extent the systems of governance at State and Federal levels should adapt in light of the difficulties faced by both local Islamic finance service providers and potential...
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This paper provides a detailed outline of most of the major features of the Australian goods and services tax (GST). As well as explaining and evaluating the operation of the GST law, the paper compares the Australian GST with the equivalent features of the European VAT. The paper was first...
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Treaty-based investor-state arbitration (ISA) has gradually become a more established part of the legal landscape in the Asian region. But this development is threatened by the “Gillard Government Trade Policy Statement” announced in April 2011. One interpretation is that the Australian...
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The development of neoliberal politics has substantially affected the development of fire prevention in Australia. The principal impact has been on the shift from prescriptive regulation to performance-based regulation, ostensibly on the grounds that the latter promotes innovation and cost...
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Graham Hill was for many years the pre-eminent tax judge in the Federal Court of Australia. Throughout his career as a tax practitioner, and then as a judge, he taught stamp duties, sales tax, and later goods and services tax (GST/VAT), in the Masters of Law program at Sydney Law School. His...
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The Australia-US Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) required extensive changes to Australian copyright law. This paper assesses the impact of these changes one decade on. It considers, first, whether the costs and/or benefits predicted in 2004 have eventuated, finding clear evidence that AUSFTA has...
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