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The digital revolution of pricing enables retailers to change their prices more frequently than ever before. While the industry endorses this development, critics fear it could foster excessive price fluctuations. This paper studies price fluctuations in the context of brick-and-mortar retailing...
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Firms may want to coordinate industry-wide price jumps that are predictable for rivals, however, unpredictable for consumers. We show how such coordination is carried out in Norwegian gasoline retailing. Overnight, the market leader initiated an equilibrium transition from regular to non-regular...
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Firms differ in their vulnerability to new entrants to their industries. Recent research has shown the costs of entry to have varied over time, being low before the early 80s and having risen since. In a model with monopolistic competition, fixed costs, and heterogeneous markups, I show that...
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We consider an economy populated by CARA investors who trade, accounting for their price impact, multiple risky assets with arbitrary distributed payoffs. We propose a constructive solution method: finding the equilibrium reduces to solving a linear ordinary differential equation. With market...
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We study dynamic signaling in a game of stochastically evolving stakes. Our motivating example is dynamic limit pricing in markets with persistent demand shocks. An incumbent is privately informed about its costs, high or low, and can deter a potential entrant by setting prices strategically....
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We build a competition network that links two industries through their common market leaders. Industries with higher centrality on the competition network have higher expected stock returns because of higher exposure to the cross-industry spillover of distress shocks. The competition intensity...
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We study investors' perceptions of inflation through the lens of a high-frequency event study and document that they have a stagflationary view of the world. In response to higher-than-expected inflation, investors expect firms' nominal cash flows to remain stagnant while discount rates...
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In this paper, we study a new channel to explain firms' price setting behavior. We propose that uncertainty about factor prices has a positive effect on markups. We show theoretically that firms with higher shares of inputs with volatile prices set higher markups. We use the Bartik shift-share...
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Prior studies examine real firm behavior and show that high debt makes a firm vulnerable in the product market. In this study, we assess the economic magnitude of competitive effects of debt by examining stock returns. For identification, we use a double-layer of contrasts by conditioning our...
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We develop an endogenous growth model with heterogeneous firms facing financial frictions, where misallocation emerges explicitly as a crucial endogenous state variable and plays a significant role in driving economic growth through the valuation channel. The model illustrates that transient...
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