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We consider the problem of ex-ante forecasting conditional correlation patterns using ultra high frequency data …
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-series dynamics specification per each name with a cross-sectional forecasting relation at each date. The paper develops a conditional … greatly enhances the out-of-sample forecasting performance against standard benchmarks …
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Recent literature show that leverage has a negative effect on stock returns, which is contradicting with influential finance theories and models. Based on the time-period 1966-2015, the five-factor model and an international dataset, this thesis sets the focus on the question what kind of effect...
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We establish the financial materiality of temperature variability by demonstrating its impact on US firms and investors. A long-short strategy that sorts firms based on exposure earns a market-adjusted alpha of 39 basis points per month. This variability metric is related to aggregate decreases...
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We extract contextualized representations of news text to predict returns using the state-of-the-art large language models in natural language processing. Unlike the traditional bag-of-words approach, the contextualized representation captures both the syntax and semantics of text, thus...
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Traditional machine learning methods have been widely studied in financial innovation. My study focuses on the application of deep learning methods on asset pricing.I investigate various deep learning methods for asset pricing, especially for risk premia measurement. All models take the same set...
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We present a statistic to generally represent extremes in the distribution of temperature anomalies and demonstrate its consequences on financial markets. The diverse shocks that our measure portrays are established to be primary drivers of electricity consumption and the weather futures market....
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We develop a penalized two-pass regression with time-varying factor loadings. The penalization in the first pass enforces sparsity for the time-variation drivers while also maintaining compatibility with the no arbitrage restrictions by regularizing appropriate groups of coefficients. The second...
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This study quantifies the presence of financial distress in the cross section of stock returns. Systemic risk is defined as the occurrence of simultaneous tail events for a large fraction of firms. A tail event is interpreted as evidence of downside risk in the tail distribution of financial...
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2010 to 2016. The results indicate that the model is robust in explaining and forecasting quarterly returns of individual …
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