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This is the second paper presenting noise-reduced, stable correlations for long-term risk measurement. We smooth time series using Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) and then form the correlations from these smoothed time series. These correlations have superior time stability and are cleaned of...
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We put forward two jump-robust estimators of integrated volatility, namely realized information variation (RIV) and realized information power variation (RIPV). The "information" here refers to the difference between two-grid of ranges in high-frequency intervals, which preserves continuous...
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We demonstrate that the parameters controlling skewness and kurtosis in popular equity return models estimated at daily frequency can be obtained almost as precisely as if volatility is observable by simply incorporating the strong information content of realized volatility measures extracted...
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In this paper, we provide evidence on two alternative mechanisms of interaction between returns and volatilities: the leverage effect and the volatility feedback effect. We stress the importance of distinguishing between realized volatility and implied volatility, and find that implied...
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Leverage effect has become an extensively studied phenomenon which describes the negative relation between the stock return and its volatility. Although this characteristic of stock returns is well acknowledged, most studies about it are based on cross-sectional calibration with parametric...
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Following recent advances in the non-parametric realized volatility approach, we separately measure the discontinuous jump part of the quadratic variation process for individual stocks and incorporate it into heterogeneous autoregressive volatility models. We analyze the distributional...
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The issue of long memory, though has important theoretical and practical implications, has not received much attention in India. This article examines the issue of long memory in mean of the stock returns by employing a set of sophisticated time-series tests including a bias reduced log...
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Lawsuits brought pursuant to section 10(b) of the Securities and Exchange Act depend on the reliability of a statistical tool called an event study to adjudicate issues of reliance, materiality, loss causation, and damages. Although judicial acceptance of the event study technique is pervasive,...
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We investigate the pricing of systematic liquidity risk in UK equities using a large sample of daily data. Employing four alternative measures of liquidity we first find strong evidence of commonality in liquidity across stocks. We apply asymptotic principal component analysis (PCA) on the...
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The paper outlines and tests, by means of Monte-Carlo simulations, a simple strategy of using existing non-parametric tests for jumps at the daily frequency to identify jumps at higher sampling frequencies. The suggested strategy allow for identification of the number of jumps and jump times...
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