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Trust companies generate leverage cycle dynamics by intermediating less regulated credit to the financial markets in China. We find that the leverage factor constructed from trust companies can explain the time-series and cross-sectional asset returns. The leverage factor derived from securities...
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Little is known about how bank capital affects bank stock performance. We show that capital does not affect returns unconditionally, but high-capital banks have higher risk-adjusted stock returns (alphas) than low-capital banks in bad times in and out of sample. Trading strategies earn...
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Bank branch density, defined as the number of bank branches to total deposits, has significantly declined over the past decade, fueled by a confluence of branch closings and the almost doubling of deposits between 2016 and 2022. During this period, banks with low branch density benefited from...
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Using an event study approach, we examine financial markets' reactions to the publication of the ECB's Comprehensive Assessment of banks in the Euro area. Our results suggest that banks' stock market prices and CDS spreads generally did not react to the publication of the results of the...
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We derive closed form expressions for equilibrium asset prices and liquidity in an economy populated by a finite number of large, strategic, risk averse investors. The model allows for arbitrary risk preferences, any number of assets, and an arbitrary distribution of asset payoffs. In...
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This paper investigates empirically the relationship between stock market and banking sector development with data from 40 countries (representing 85% of global GDP) over a period of 53 years. When measured by ratios of stock market (i) capitalization to GDP; (ii) turnover to GDP; and (iii)...
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This paper proposes Spillover Persistence as a measure for financial fragility. The volatility paradox predicts that fragility builds up when volatility is low, which challenges existing measures. Spillover Persistence tackles this challenge by exploring a novel dimension of systemic risk: loss...
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Financial losses can have persistent effects on the financial sy stem. This paper proposes an empirical measure for the duration of these effects, S pillover P ersistence. I d ocument that Spillover Persistence is strongly correlated with financial c onditions; d uring b anking crises, Spillover...
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We investigate the association between real estate investment by US Bank Holding Companies (BHCs) and their return, risk and risk-adjusted returns. Three portfolios are formed of BHCs according to whether they do or do not invest in real estate, strictness of the regulation on real estate...
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How do the returns on banks' assets affect the susceptibility of the banking system to a self-fulfilling run by depositors? I study this question in a version of the model of Diamond and Dybvig (1983) with limited commitment and a non-trivial portfolio choice. I show that the relationship...
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