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model. Using this class of models and the proposed inferential technique, we are able to connect estimation and model … cointegrated stock prices and further, its effect for the estimation and prediction of the spread between cointegrated stock prices … normalization for the estimation and prediction of the spread — the deviation from the equilibrium relationship — which leads to …
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This paper proposes a latent dynamic factor model for low- as well as high-dimensional realized covariance matrices of stock returns. The approach is based on the matrix logarithm and allows for flexible dynamic dependence patterns by combining common latent factors driven by HAR dynamics and...
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standard inference from least-squares estimation of a suitably adjusted predictive regression. We analyze US and international … present value theory. Long-term government bond yields exhibit predictive power over all horizons from one month through five …
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The paper examines statistical and economic evidence of out-of-sample bond return predictability for a real-time Bayesian investor who learns about parameters, hidden states, and predictive models over time. We find some statistical evidence using information contained in forward rates. However,...
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I build a price-ratio model based on the Campbell and Shiller (1988) decomposition to test which components of investor expectations best explains cross-sectional price differences. I evaluate the in- and out-of-sample performance of my model, which uses a higher-order expansion with an added...
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We introduce a new approach to predicting market returns using the cross-section of earnings and book values to explain current stock prices and extract aggregate expected returns. The proposed measure is countercyclical; it portends a significant fraction of the time-series variation in stock...
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Abstract We predict cumulative stock returns over horizons from 1 month to 10 years using a tree-based machine learning approach. Cumulative stock returns are significantly predictable in the cross-section over all horizons. A hedge portfolio generates 250 bp/month at a 1 year horizon and 110...
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Current empirical asset pricing research on idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL), negatively related to cross-sectional expected returns, fails to take explicit account of risk that results from a shock to a network of economically related stocks. These stocks move together, and are therefore...
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has for the selection of pairs of cointegrated stock prices and for the estimation and prediction of the spread between … estimation and prediction of the spread - the deviation from the equilibrium relationship - which leads to better results in …
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model. Using this class of models and the proposed inferential technique, we are able to connect estimation and model … cointegrated stock prices and further, its effect for the estimation and prediction of the spread between cointegrated stock prices … the estimation and prediction of the spread-the deviation from the equilibrium relationship-which leads to better results …
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