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profitability, distress, lotteryness, and volatility anomalies, influencing their returns via the channel of idiosyncratic skewness …
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Stocks with high idiosyncratic volatility perform poorly relative to low idiosyncratic volatility stocks. We offer a … volatility (the positive contemporaneous relation between firm-level stock returns and idiosyncratic volatility). Our approach is … idiosyncratic volatility rises, driving down the firm's systematic risk and hence its expected return - firms with higher …
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Despite momentum's strong historical performance, its returns have large negative skewness and occasionally experiences persistent strings of sharp negative returns, referred as "momentum crashes" in the recent literature. I argue that momentum crashes are due to crowded trades which push prices...
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This research considers the strategies on the initial public offering of company equity at the stock exchanges in the imperfect highly volatile global capital markets with the nonlinearities. We provide the IPO definition and compare the initial listing requirements on the various markets. We...
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prices react more to news in downturns than in upturns, implying higher volatility in downturns and negatively skewed returns …
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I build a price-ratio model based on the Campbell and Shiller (1988) decomposition to test which components of investor expectations best explains cross-sectional price differences. I evaluate the in- and out-of-sample performance of my model, which uses a higher-order expansion with an added...
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This paper applies a Bayesian break method to studying the empirical time-varying relations between stock price ratios and subjective expectations across the market and 30 industry portfolios monthly from 1976 to 2020. Cash flow expectations unconditionally explain 80% of price variations since...
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Our paper makes two empirical contributions on REITs' asset pricing over three sequential and mutually exclusive time periods. The first yields the beta estimates of (i) assets, (ii) growth options and (iii) assets-in-place, embedded in the valuations of REITs. We develop a new approach to...
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This paper investigates the intertemporal relation between volatility spreads and expected returns on the aggregate … stock market. We provide evidence for a significantly negative link between volatility spreads and expected returns at the … extreme values. The intertemporal relation remains strongly negative after controlling for conditional volatility, variance …
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