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Assuming that risk premiums are determined by failure risk, we present a stylized model of interactions among risk-proxy variables, external financing, and stock returns in which a common mispricing factor, involving operating profit and external financing, drives the following five asset...
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This paper examines to what extent stock market anomalies are driven by firm fundamentals in an investment-based asset pricing framework. Using Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), we estimate a two-capital q-model to match firm-level stock returns, instead of matching portfolio-level...
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We build an equilibrium model to explain why stock return predictability concentrates in bad times. The key feature is that investors use different forecasting models, and hence assess uncertainty differently. As economic conditions deteriorate, uncertainty rises and investors' opinions...
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Investors often focus their attention on recent information only, underestimating the rele-vance of information from the distant past. In consequence, the ordering of historical re-turns robustly predicts future stock performance in the cross-section. Using data from 49 countries, we...
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reviews the theory and literature on market efficiency and market anomalies. We give a brief review on market efficiency and …. This review is useful to academics for developing cutting-edge treatments of financial theory that EMH, anomalies, and …
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This paper investigates whether analysts' optimism affects the stock crash risk. Analysts' optimism can increase stock crash risk either by inducing overvaluation or by providing managers an opportunity to withhold bad news. Using analysts' forecast error as a proxy for analysts' optimism, we...
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This study examines the relative importance of percentage change in price-to-earnings ratio (PE), percentage change in dividend yield (DY) and change in aggregate Tobin's q ratio (∆TBQ) in forecasting returns on the S&P 500 (SP). The results from the variance decomposition analysis of...
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This paper studies the pricing of long and short run variance and correlation risk. The predictive power of the market variance risk premium for returns is driven by the correlation risk premium and the systematic part of individual variance premia. Furthermore, I find that aggregate volatility...
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percent. The last evidence supports strongly the value relevance accounting theory that has not seen much support from …
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I investigate whether the relation between investor sentiment and profitable trading strategies is due to short sale constraints. I find that the average security in these strategies is not hard-to-short. Furthermore, the short leg does not appear to be harder to short or more overvalued than...
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