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This paper considers the problem of implementing semiparametric extremum estimators of a generalized regression model with an unknown link function. The class of estimator under consideration includes as special cases the semiparametric least-squares estimator of Ichimura (1993) as well as the...
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The intention is to provide a Bayesian formulation of regularized local linear regression, combined with techniques for optimal bandwidth selection. This approach arises from the idea that only those covariates that are found to be relevant for the regression function should be considered by the...
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Classical multivariate principal component analysis has been extended to functional data and termed functional principal componentanalysis (FPCA). Most existing FPCA approaches do not accommodate covariate information, and it is the goal of this paper to develop two methods that do. In the ?rst...
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is established under the alpha-mixing conditions. The explicit expressions of the asymptotic bias and variance are given …
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Optimal bandwidths for local polynomial regression usually involve functionals of the derivatives of the unknown regression function. In the multivariate case, estimates of these functionals are not readily available, primarily because estimating multivariate derivatives is complicated. In this...
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We consider the problem of choosing two bandwidths simultaneously for estimating the difference of two functions at given points. When the asymptotic approximation of the mean squared error (AMSE) criterion is used, we show that minimisation problem is not well-defined when the sign of the...
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This paper focuses on developing a new data-driven procedure for decomposing seasonal time series based on local regression. Formula of the asymptotic optimal bandwidth hA in the current context is given. Methods for estimating the unknowns in hA are investigated. A data-driven algorithm for...
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Tests for serial independence and goodness-of-fit based on divergence notions between probability distributions, such as the Kullback-Leibler divergence or Hellinger distance, have recently received much interest in time series analysis. The aim of this paper is to introduce tests for serial...
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